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Joined: 4/7/2022(UTC) Posts: 1  Location: Naples
hi , i have test trial version in our company but now is expired. I have a code in VB.net that search email with subject : Quote: Shared Sub SearchMail(server As String, user As String, password As String, useSsl As Boolean, oggetto As String, path As String)
Try ' Create a folder named "inbox" under current directory ' to save the email retrieved. Dim localInbox As String = path Dim di As IO.DirectoryInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(path) For Each oFile As IO.FileInfo In di.GetFiles() oFile.Delete() Next ' If the folder is not existed, create it. If Not Directory.Exists(localInbox) Then Directory.CreateDirectory(localInbox) End If
' Most modern email server require SSL/TLS connection, ' set useSsl to true Is recommended. Dim oServer As New MailServer(server, user, password, useSsl, ServerAuthType.AuthLogin, ServerProtocol.Imap4)
' IMAP4 port Is 143, IMAP4 SSL port Is 993. oServer.Port = If(useSsl, 993, 143)
Console.WriteLine("Connecting server ...") Dim oClient As New MailClient("TryIt") oClient.Connect(oServer)
' Search the emails whose internal date is within 8-AUG-2008 and sender contains "John" Dim infos() As MailInfo = oClient.SearchMail("SUBJECT """ & oggetto & """") Console.WriteLine("Total {0} email(s) found", infos.Length)
For i As Integer = 0 To infos.Length - 1 Console.WriteLine("Checking {0}/{1} ...", i + 1, infos.Length) Dim info As MailInfo = infos(i)
' Generate an unqiue email file name based on date time. Dim fileName As String = _generateFileName(i + 1) Dim fullPath As String = String.Format("{0}\{1}", localInbox, fileName)
Console.WriteLine("Downloading {0}/{1} ...", i + 1, infos.Length) Dim oMail As Mail = oClient.GetMail(info)
' Save email to local disk oMail.SaveAs(fullPath, True)
' Mark email as deleted on server. '' Console.WriteLine("Deleting ... {0}/{1}", i + 1, infos.Length) '' oClient.Delete(info) Next
Console.WriteLine("Disconnecting ...") ' Delete method just mark the email as deleted, ' Quit method expunge the emails from server permanently. '' oClient.Quit()
Console.WriteLine("Completed!") Catch ep As Exception Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ep.Message) End Try
i dont have standard license of ADS Objects why i need only dll license of EAGetMail. This is possibile to buy only EAGetMail without other ADS Objects? Best Regards from italy, im sorry for my bad english