EAGetMail ActiveX Object Constants


[Visual Basic 6.0/VBScript]
Const MailServerAuthLogin = 0 'Specifies that the mail server uses plain text authentication. 
Const MailServerAuthCRAM5 = 1 'Specifies that the mail server uses MD5 hash authentication.
Const MailServerAuthNTLM = 2 'Specifies that the mail server uses NTLM authentication. 
Const MailServerAuthXOAUTH2 = 3 'Specifies that the mail server uses OAUTH/XOAUTH2 authentication. 

[Visual C++]
const int MailServerAuthLogin = 0; //Specifies that the mail server uses plain text authentication. 
const int MailServerAuthCRAM5 = 1; //Specifies that the mail server uses MD5 hash authentication.
const int MailServerAuthNTLM = 2; //Specifies that the mail server uses NTLM authentication. 
const int MailServerAuthXOAUTH2 = 3; 'Specifies that the mail server uses OAUTH/XOAUTH2 authentication. 


[Visual Basic 6.0/VBScript]
Const MailServerPop3 = 0 'Specifies that the mail server uses POP3 protocol. 
Const MailServerImap4 = 1 'Specifies that that the mail server uses IMAP4 protocol.
Const MailServerEWS = 2 'Specifies that that the mail server uses Exchange Web Service(EWS) protocol (Exchange Server 2007 or later version).
Const MailServerDAV = 3 'Specifies that that the mail server uses Exchange WebDAV protocol (Exchange Server 2000/2003).
Const MailServerMsGraph = 4 'Specifies that that the mail server uses Graph API (Office 365).

[Visual C++]
const int MailServerPop3 = 0; //Specifies that the mail server uses POP3 protocol. 
const int MailServerImap4 = 1; //Specifies that that the mail server uses IMAP4 protocol.
const int MailServerEWS = 2; //Specifies that that the mail server uses Exchange Web Service(EWS) protocol (Exchange Server 2007 or later version).
const int MailServerDAV = 3; //Specifies that that the mail server uses Exchange WebDAV protocol (Exchange Server 2000/2003).
const int MailServerMsGraph = 4; //Specifies that that the mail server uses Graph API (Office 365).


[Visual Basic 6.0/VBScript]
Const ProxyType_Socks4 = 0 'Specifies that the proxy server uses Socks4 protocol.
Const ProxyType_Socks5 = 1 'Specifies that that the proxy server uses Socks5 protocol.
Const ProxyType_Http = 2 'Specifies that that the proxy server uses Http protocol. 

[Visual C++]
const int ProxyType_Socks4 = 0; 'Specifies that the proxy server uses Socks4 protocol.
const int ProxyType_Socks5 = 1; 'Specifies that that the proxy server uses Socks5 protocol.
const int ProxyType_Http = 2; 'Specifies that that the proxy server uses Http protocol. 


[Visual Basic 6.0/VBScript]
Const	MailNoBodyText = 0 'The email doesn't have a body text. 
Const	MailTextBodyOnly = 1 'The email body text is in text/plain format. 
Const	MailHtmlBodyOnly = 2 'The email body text is in text/html format. 
Const	MailTextAndHtmlBody = 3 'The email body text is in multiple/alternative format. 

[Visual C++]
const int MailNoBodyText = 0; //The email doesn't have a body text. 
const int MailTextBodyOnly = 1; //The email body text is in text/plain format. 
const int MailHtmlBodyOnly = 2; //The email body text is in text/html format. 
const int MailTextAndHtmlBody = 3; //The email body text is in multiple/alternative format. 

Certificate.Load, Certificate.LoadFromFile

[Visual Basic 6.0/VBScript]
Const CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET = 32 'use machine keyset
Const CRYPT_USER_KEYSET = 4096 'use user keyset


[Visual Basic 6.0/VBScript]
Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER = 65536 'find in current user storage
Const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE = 131072 'find in current machine storage


[Visual Basic 6.0/VBScript]
Const FailureReport = 0 'Specifies that the email is a failure delivery report.
Const DeliveryReceipt = 1 'Specifies that the email is a delivery success report(delivery receipt).
Const ReadReceipt = 2 'Specifies that the email is a read receipt.
Const Receipt_Deleted = 3 'Specifies that the email is an unread receipt.
Const DelayedReport = 4 'Specifies that the email is a delayed report, server will retry to send the email automatically.

[Visual C++]
const int FailureReport = 0; 'Specifies that the email is a failure delivery report.
const int DeliveryReceipt = 1; 'Specifies that the email is a delivery success report(delivery receipt).
const int ReadReceipt = 2; 'Specifies that the email is a read receipt.
const int Receipt_Deleted = 3; 'Specifies that the email is an unread receipt.
const int DelayedReport = 4; 'Specifies that the email is a delayed report, server will retry to send the email automatically.