MailClient.UnsubscribeFolder Method

Unsubscribes an IMAP4 folder.

[Visual Basic]
Public Sub UnsubscribeFolder( _
    folder As Imap4Folder _

Public Async Function UnsubscribeFolderAsync( _
    folder As Imap4Folder _
) As Task
public void UnsubscribeFolder(
    Imap4Folder folder

public async Task UnsubscribeFolderAsync(
    Imap4Folder folder
public: void UnsubscribeFolder(
    Imap4Folder^ folder
public function UnsubscribeFolder( 
    folder: Imap4Folder


the folder instance to unsubscribe.


In convention, the IMAP4 client such as outlook express only displays the subscribed folders, you can also use MailClient.SubscribeFolder and MailClient.UnsubscribeFolder method to change the property.


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] The following example demonstrates how to create, subscribe, unsubscribe and delete "TestFolder" with EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP Component. To get the full samples of EAGetMail, please refer to Samples section.

[VB - Create/delete/subscribe/unsubscribe folder]
Imports System
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports EAGetMail

Public Class TestClass
    ' if you want to search sub folder, use parentfolder\subfolder as folderPath
    ' for example: inbox\mysubfolder
    Function FindFolder(ByVal folderPath As String, ByRef folders As Imap4Folder()) As Imap4Folder
        For i As Integer = 0 To folders.Length - 1
            Dim folder As Imap4Folder = folders(i)
            ' Folder was found.
            If String.Compare(folder.LocalPath, folderPath, True) = 0 Then
                Return folder
            End If

            folder = FindFolder(folderPath, folder.SubFolders)
            If Not (folder Is Nothing) Then
                Return folder
            End If

        ' No folder found
        Return Nothing
    End Function

    Public Sub CreateDeleteFolder(server As String, user As String, password As String, useSsl As Boolean)
            ' ExchangeEWS Or ExchangeWebDAV protocol also supports folder operation.

            ' Most modern email server require SSL/TLS connection, 
            ' set useSsl to true Is recommended.
            Dim oServer As New MailServer(server, user, password, useSsl,
                        ServerAuthType.AuthLogin, ServerProtocol.Imap4)

            ' IMAP4 port Is 143,  IMAP4 SSL port Is 993.
            ' EWS/WebDAV, please ignore Port property.
            oServer.Port = If(useSsl, 993, 143)

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting server ...")
            Dim oClient As New MailClient("TryIt")

            ' Create a test folder
            Dim folder As Imap4Folder = oClient.CreateFolder(Nothing, "TestFolder")

            ' Only IMAP4 protocol supports SubscribeFolder
            If oServer.Protocol = ServerProtocol.Imap4 Then
                If Not folder.Subscribed Then
                End If
            End If

            ' List existed root folders on server
            Dim folders() As Imap4Folder = oClient.GetFolders()
            For i As Integer = 0 To folders.Length - 1
                Dim fd As Imap4Folder = folders(i)
                Console.WriteLine("folder: {0}", fd.LocalPath)

            ' Only IMAP4 protocol supports UnsubscribeFolder
            If oServer.Protocol = ServerProtocol.Imap4 Then
            End If

            ' Delete test folder

        Catch ep As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

End Class

[C# - Create/delete/subscribe/unsubscribe folder] using System; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using EAGetMail; class TestClass { // if you want to search sub folder, use parentfolder\subfolder as folderPath // for example: inbox\mysubfolder static Imap4Folder FindFolder(string folderPath, Imap4Folder[] folders) { int count = folders.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Imap4Folder folder = folders[i]; if (string.Compare(folder.LocalPath, folderPath, true) == 0) { return folder; } folder = FindFolder(folderPath, folder.SubFolders); if (folder != null) { return folder; } } // No folder found return null; } public void CreateDeleteFolder(string server, string user, string password, bool useSsl) { try { // ExchangeEWS Or ExchangeWebDAV protocol also supports folder operation. // Most modern email servers require SSL/TLS connection, // set useSsl to true is recommended. MailServer oServer = new MailServer(server, user, password, useSsl, ServerAuthType.AuthLogin, ServerProtocol.Imap4); // IMAP4 port is 143, IMAP4 SSL port is 993. // EWS/WebDAV, please ignore Port property. oServer.Port = (useSsl) ? 993 : 143; Console.WriteLine("Connecting server ..."); MailClient oClient = new MailClient("TryIt"); oClient.Connect(oServer); // Create a test folder. Imap4Folder folder = oClient.CreateFolder(null, "TestFolder"); // Only IMAP4 protocol supports SubscribeFolder if (oServer.Protocol == ServerProtocol.Imap4) { if (!folder.Subscribed) { oClient.SubscribeFolder(folder); } } // List existed root folders on server Imap4Folder[] folders = oClient.GetFolders(); for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++) { Imap4Folder fd = folders[i]; Console.WriteLine("folder: {0}", fd.LocalPath); } // Only IMAP4 protocol supports UnsubscribeFolder if (oServer.Protocol == ServerProtocol.Imap4) { oClient.UnsubscribeFolder(folder); } // Delete test folder oClient.DeleteFolder(folder); oClient.Logout(); Console.WriteLine("Completed!"); } catch (Exception ep) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ep.Message); } } }
[C++/CLI - Create/delete/subscribe/unsubscribe folder] using namespace System; using namespace System::Globalization; using namespace System::IO; using namespace EAGetMail; //add EAGetMail namespace // if you want to search sub folder, use parentfolder\\subfolder as folderPath // for example: inbox\\mysubfolder Imap4Folder^ FindFolder(String^ folderPath, array<Imap4Folder^> ^folders) { for (int i = 0; i < folders->Length; i++) { Imap4Folder^ folder = folders[i]; // Folder was found. if (String::Compare(folder->LocalPath, folderPath, true) == 0) return folder; folder = FindFolder(folderPath, folder->SubFolders); if (folder != nullptr) return folder; } // No folder found return nullptr; } void CreateDeleteFolder(String ^server, String ^user, String ^password, bool useSsl) { try { // ExchangeEWS or ExchangeWebDAV protocol also supports folder operation. // Most modern email servers require SSL/TLS connection, // set useSsl to true is recommended. MailServer ^oServer = gcnew MailServer(server, user, password, useSsl, ServerAuthType::AuthLogin, ServerProtocol::Imap4); // IMAP4 port is 143, IMAP4 SSL port is 993. // EWS/WebDAV, please ignore Port property. oServer->Port = (useSsl) ? 993 : 143; Console::WriteLine("Connecting server ..."); MailClient ^oClient = gcnew MailClient("TryIt"); oClient->Connect(oServer); // Create a test folder Imap4Folder ^ folder = oClient->CreateFolder(nullptr, "TestFolder"); // Only IMAP4 protocol supports SubscribeFolder if (oServer->Protocol == ServerProtocol::Imap4) { if (!folder->Subscribed) oClient->SubscribeFolder(folder); } // List existed root folders on server. array<Imap4Folder^> ^folders = oClient->GetFolders(); for (int i = 0; i < folders->Length; i++) { Imap4Folder ^fd = folders[i]; Console::WriteLine("folder: {0}", fd->FullPath); } // Only IMAP4 protocol supports UnsubscribeFolder if (oServer->Protocol == ServerProtocol::Imap4) { oClient->UnsubscribeFolder(folder); } // Delete test folder oClient->DeleteFolder(folder); oClient->Logout(); Console::WriteLine("Completed!"); } catch (Exception ^ep) { Console::WriteLine("Error: {0}", ep->Message); } }

See Also
