Mail.Priority Property

Gets the priority of the e-mail message.

[Visual Basic]
Public Property Get Priority As Long
[Visual C++]
public: get_Priority(LONG* pVal);

Property Value

One of the following values.
Const MailPriorityNormal = 3
Const MailPriorityHigh = 1
Const MailPriorityLow = 5

See Also

Mail.From Property
Mail.ToList Property
Mail.CcList Property
Mail.TextBody Property
Mail.HtmlBody Property
Mail.AttachmentList Property

Online Tutorials

Parse Email in VB6 - Tutorial
Parse winmail.dat(TNEF) in VB6 - Tutorial
Parse Email in Delphi - Tutorial
Parse winmail.dat(TNEF) in Delphi - Tutorial
Parse Email in VC++- Tutorial
Parse winmail.dat(TNEF) in VC++ - Tutorial